

常规的价格 $3.49
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Beef tallow based snack for wild birds – full of high energy nutrients! Liquid beef fat is blended with a mix of grains & seeds and made into a slim cake.

Best used with a wire suet cage, or hopper feeder with built-in suet cages. 320G的蛋糕.

Attracts: Northern Cardinals, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, 晚上蜡嘴鸟, 蓝鸟, 斯特勒的鸟, Black-capped Chickadees, 柔和的啄木鸟, 多毛的啄木鸟, Red-bellied 啄木鸟s, 黑灯芯草雀, White-breasted Nuthatches, Red-breasted Nuthatches, 北部闪烁

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